

for the future, today.

At the forefront of next-generation technology, we’re looking for investors to help us build the future of innovation.

What is NerveRift?

NerveRift is the company connecting the human brain to a computer. Here are the capabilities we’re exploring right now:

Ever wanted to play a game with your mind? We’re working on it.
Watch a movie?
Want to watch a film, control your TV, or change the channel without moving a muscle?
Communicate without speaking?
Friend or family member unable to speak? We’re working on a solution.

Who are we?

We’re the team revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. We’re building the future, today.

  • 😎


    Arsen Shkrumelyak

    Arsen Shkrumelyak

    Co-Founder / CEO

    Arsen is a software engineer and entrepreneur with a passion for building products that make a difference.

  • 👋

    Hey there!

    Rohan Chaudhary

    Rohan Chaudhary

    Co-Founder / COO

    Rohan is a student, athlete, and entrepreneur passionate about building things people love.